martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

The "new" Rita

In these scenes, Frank finds it difficult to cope with the "new" Rita. Of course, as her teacher, he is partly responsable for what has happened, because teachers are expected to develop their pupils'potential.Frank is a bit surprised to see so many changes in Rita.
For isntance, Rita changes her way of speaking because she wants to practise vocabulary constantly in everyday situations.
Another change of Rita is towards the students, at first she was quite wary of them but now she talked to them about poems and authors in the lawn.
Regarding the essay, Frank told Rita that in her essay she interpreted the poem, which she was supposed to write,in a wrong way. But she insisted that she talked with the other students about the poem and wanted to give a second interpretation from it, apart from the "simple surface value" that is to say; the blossom.

2 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Are these the changes Frank has been working for, Romina? What kind of vocabulary is Rita trying to "practise constantly in everyday situations"?

In short, Rita herself says she wants to go beyond "simple surface value".. but is she actually doing so?


romina dijo...

I think that FRank is responsable in part of Rita's changes, but I can say that she is trying to practise a vocabulary which really dose not belong to her because she pretends to be another person.
In my opion, she exagerates with her "new behaviuor", she is a bit unnatural..
See you