domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Act 1 Scene 2 The lessons that Rita needs to learn

Education is one of the central themes of the play and I think that Rita has knowledge related to her experience in life but what she needs are systematic lessons. They would be connected with language or vocabulary in order for her to become cultured or cultivated. The lessons would help her to improve her use of language for instance.
In some way I can say that both, Frank and Rita, are learning from each other differents issues.
Rita thinks that Frank has good taste to decorate the room because everything is in the right place in her opinion. "A perfect mess". She also thinks that proper students are the ones who read and study. What do you think?

martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

Educating Rita (Act 1 Scene1)

I have just started with the book Educating Rita by Willy Russell. It began introducing the main characters, Rita is a working class, twenty six - year- old and a hairdresser. She is supposed to have a baby by now, but she wants a better life so she decided to start a literature course in order to become more educated and culturally aware.
Frank is her tutor in his fifties and with a drink problem. During the first interview, she teaches him many things related to her experience in life, in this way we would interprete that she is not a stupid woman.