viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008

Act 2 Scenes 6 and 7

"Diferent directions"
I think that another possible names for the book would be "Educating Rita and Frank" or "The education of Rita and Frank".
They learned from each other throughout the play.With regards to Rita, she has learned several things from literature to different aspects in life.
Regarding to Frank, he has learned many things from Rita as well.
At the beginning of the play, Rita thought that students only would be involved in a systematic education, studying subjects from school and that was enough to be cultivated people. However, as the as scenes passed by, she has changed her viewpoint related to students because she has learned not only literature with Frank but also different aspects related to life in general.
As a consequence of that she made up her mind as students' concept is concerned.

A letter to Mr Burguess

Dear Mr Burguess,
I'm here writing to you because I want to tell you that I've just passed my exam. As a consequence of your teaching and the way you made us to study as much as possible in order to be well-educated people, not only for present but also for the future.
I can add that apart from techiques of studying , you taught us another point of view in life. You taught us how to be better people too.
Thank you so much
I will never forget you!

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

Act 2 scenes 4 and 5

"Crisis between Frank and Rita"
I think that Frank's feelings towards Rita have become stronger and stronger. He feels that Rita is more than his student, now she would be considered part of his life. She has strong influence on him and viceversa.
I have sympathy for Rita, mainly because she is so sincere and also she expresses her feelings naturally.
Regarding Rita's job, she would have given up it because she seems to be no interested on it any more.Adding that it can be another issue included in her own life's changes, also her desire to change her own name, in some way she would want to become another woman or have other identity.It can be added that Frank suggests her names including well- known people related to literature.
They have a discussion but I would think that they can not live without each other.

martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

The "new" Rita

In these scenes, Frank finds it difficult to cope with the "new" Rita. Of course, as her teacher, he is partly responsable for what has happened, because teachers are expected to develop their pupils'potential.Frank is a bit surprised to see so many changes in Rita.
For isntance, Rita changes her way of speaking because she wants to practise vocabulary constantly in everyday situations.
Another change of Rita is towards the students, at first she was quite wary of them but now she talked to them about poems and authors in the lawn.
Regarding the essay, Frank told Rita that in her essay she interpreted the poem, which she was supposed to write,in a wrong way. But she insisted that she talked with the other students about the poem and wanted to give a second interpretation from it, apart from the "simple surface value" that is to say; the blossom.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Act 2 Scene 1 "Changes"

"Significant changes have taken place in Rita's life...She has been to Summer School and now lives in a flat with a friend"
When Rita said that the window "bleeding budge", I think that she means the window opened as a change, new air, in Frank's life. She continuing saying "you need air, Frank, the room needs airing" but at the same time, Frank wants the window closed. He wants limits in some way,a boundary between the interior and the exterior.
I would say that the scene ends with the words "You don't do Blake without doing innocence and experience because it would be related to both, Rita and Frank, and their own lives.I can add that Rita represents innocence while Frank represents experience.
It can be added that positive changes in Rita are related to her education and decisions in her own life, such as going to Summer School. I wouldn't say that she has negative changes up to now, because she is intelligent enough to learn from every mistake. Adding that Frank responds satisfactorily to her changes.