martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 6: Aparece Pepito Grillo

I would relate this chapter with our conscience because we can not separate our bodies from it.It appears every time. On page 95 says...Uno puede ser imbecil para las matematicas y no serlo para la moral, es decir, para la buena vida. Y al reves: los hay que son linces para los negocios y unos perfectos cretinos para las cuestiones de etica... I think that not only as future teachers we should know the subject which we have to teach but also bear in mind values in order to live the good life! and transmit these values to our students too.For example if I respect them they will respect me as well. I may relate this with reciprocity. And on page 97 says... Si nadie te trata como humano, no es raro que vayas a lo bestia...Pero una vez concebido ese minimo, creo que el resto depende de la atencion y esfuerzo de cada cual...our first teachers and the most important ones are our parents;they are who first teach values through words and examples.I consider this as essential in the first years of our own lives. Then is a question of each individuals conscience.

5 comentarios:

Lucía G. dijo...

Hi Ro! I like the part you talk about reciprocity and how important it is to act accordingly with what we teach. I´ve posted something similar on this chapter.



romina dijo...

Thanks!Lu yes I think it 'is of paramount importance. And the students really notice it.

Gladys Baya dijo...

What if people do not reciprocate our respect for them, Romina?

And have you ever been faced with groups of learners who seem "never to have been treated as people", to put it in Savater's words? Quite a challenge, isn't it? And though I do agree with you the earlier in life we feel respected the better, I can only hope it's never too late to learn such a feeling!

I wish you a life plentiful of respect (from others and yourself)!


romina dijo...

Gladys: I sometimes do not feel that other people respect me (no reciprocity) so many time I try to ask them, for example to my students, why they do so because I respect them, so I ask them about it in a subtle way.
This year I have a group of students which seem not to treat other people as human but, yes, I took it as a challenge and now we are getting better I think that it is because we are knowing each other.And also because we are learning together!

Gladys Baya dijo...

Wise words, Romina! If the teacher can open up and learn from her class, then surely they'll eventually feel encouraged to do the same.. :-)
The process can be really painful and demanding for the first one to make a step ahead in this kind of processes, so take good care of yourself!

All the best,