sábado, 10 de mayo de 2008

Chapter 3 Haz lo que quieras

I related this chapter mainly with Freedom;freedom to choose but also knowing what our decision is about, for example, as students we are free to decide to study or not but we know that if we don't study, we'll obtain negative results from this choice. So I think that we have to learn to choose by ourselves, but for doing so we should know the consequences of our own choices too!According to this; I believe that we have to think twice what are we going to do before performing the actions and the reasons why we act in some way instead of other. It may be difficult sometimes for me to know what the correct decision would be, and I think that we never know the finally results of our decisions.

2 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

It's not easy, is it, Romina? To take your example, not studying will bring about negative consequences (sometimes difficult to visualize for the student, esp in the case of teens or adults), but also positive ones! That is: if I don't devote time to studying I can afford to spend more time with my friends, or relaxing... How to choose then? Is "choosing not to study" bad in itself, or are circumstances always determinant??? People who believe morality is objective will go for the first answer, whereas those who pose the subjectivity of the ethics will support the second position... How about you?


romina dijo...

I think that I prioritize and organize my activities in a way I manage to do both things; study and also stay with my family but sometimes it would be difficult to do both appropriately so from Mondays to Fridays I try to do activities related to my course and during the weekends I try to stay with family and relax a bit more. In a way it would be balanced.