sábado, 10 de mayo de 2008

chapter 5: Despierta baby!

I realized that in the previous chapters I almost wrote the same things because for me they were closely related.Sorry!
This chapter, number 5, connects things with people; it says that if we consider people like things, people will consider us like things too!For me the most important of my life are my family,friends and my pets that is why I do not have children yet.And I related this chapter with priorities, mine are what I mentioned before, and then career or courses, jobs and material things. The author says that We sometimes treat people as objects and as the result of that we recibe the same treatment and it does not help us to learn to live in society or to become more "human" and enjoy the good life that we are in this world to live! He also says that nobody can choose to be free for you, we, as people, are the only one who choose how to live our lives

3 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Have you ever met someone who put things ahead of people, Romina?
Just a comment: have you noticed you did not include yourself in the "people who matter" listed?
Something else: do you believe "courses, jobs and careers" might have to do with people instead of things?

I love the idea that we cannot choose to be free for others... though I should learn to accept it better when facing some of my teen students!!! :-P

Happy blogging!


romina dijo...

Yes I know many people that consider materials things more important than people, Iam not judging that, but I consider the other way round, we are all free and of course I think of myself when I mentioned essential things in life. I would admit that I'd rather think more about other people than about me. But I am like that! I think that courses, jobs and careers which are mostly related to people should take into account the importance of feelings, thoughts,opinions, etc.

Gladys Baya dijo...

Absolutely agree with your comment on the curricula for careers like teaching, Romina!
Hope you find our current curriculum takes it all into account.

Big hug,