sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008

Act 1 Scene 7 and 8 "Decisions"

"Having been briefly tempted back to her old way of life, Rita resists and makes the momentous decision to leave her husband.... She must continue her education"
The characters in this play, Rita and Frank, have changed from student-teacher relationship to another one, in which their personal lifes seem to be involved. For instance, Rita's husband and her mother are being taking part in some way. Apart from that, Julia, Frank's wife also appears in this scene in Frank's words.
Rita did not go to Frank's dinner party because she thought that she could not behave and talked as those people in the party (Frank's guests). Also she supposed that she would have been the only person to be laughed at.
When her mother said that they could sing better songs than those in the pub, I think that Rita related those words to that moment in her life, in which she was trying to improve as a person.
The act ended "an" we start again because Rita wants to continue with her literature course, in spite of the fact that, it has been really difficult for her. I would say that she is taking all that process as an important challenge in her life.

3 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

When you say the relationship between Rita and Frank's changing, Romina, do you mean teacher-student relationships are "independent" from their other spheres in life? To what extent is that possible, or even desirable?

Somebody once said that when you teach a learner, you're also teaching all their "ghosts" (parents, spouses, children, boss, etc, with all their messages, expectations and prejudices). Do you think this is true? Does the age of the learner make any difference?

Big hug,

romina dijo...

I tjink that teacher-learner relationship are not dependent from other spheres in life but in thecase of frank and Rita now there is another kind of feelings which are growing between them.
I totally agree with the idea that when you teach a student, you also teach all their "ghosts". I can see this at school everyday. In the case of the characters of this play is different from the young children because grown-ups are able to make more decisions about their own life.
For instance, in Rita's case , she can decide if she continues with her marriage, who is against her course, or not. it maybe affect her education. So age makes the different in many cases.

Gladys Baya dijo...

Aren't you contradicting yourself when you say " teacher-learner relationship are not dependent from other spheres in life", but then: "when you teach a student, you also teach all their 'ghosts'"???

It's true adults can make more decisions than children, but then they're usually "tougher" ones, aren't they?

Let's keep discussing all this exciting issues together!
