lunes, 28 de abril de 2008

Chapter 4: Date la buena vida

I related this chapter first; with Freedom, as students for example, we are free to choose between study or not but the consequence of our decision is our own responsability too, second; we should prioritize our choices in life,and also know the reasons why we choose something instead of another thing, in my case I think twice before an important decision or what I really want to do. Finally and the most important way of communicate these decisions is through languaje, such as words, gestures, body postures and the different meanings that they convey.I think that we have to take all these items into account in order to "darnos la buena vida"

4 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Well said, Romina!

How would all this relate to your job as an EFL teacher? Can we teach our students to choose wisely, in your view? And if so, should we?

Looking forward to hearing more from you,


romina dijo...

I think as teacher we are free to choose the textbooks, for example, but We would have to take into account that we teach more than the simple contents or the foreign language, so I also would choose books that relates the topics with values such as friendship, that is very important for my students because the are 8 and 9 years old and this is essential for them. Or other topics related to animals and how to take care of them, I think that in this way we teach them to think wisely and we should do it all the time while teaching the subject.

Multimedia LCB dijo...
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Gladys Baya dijo...

So you believe in teaching values integrated with content... 8-D!
We''ll come back to this idea during our second term in class.
Stay tuned! ;-)