lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Epilogo: Tendras que pensartelo

"... Porque vivir no es una ciencia exacta, como las matematicas, sino un arte, como la musica. De la musica se pueden aprender ciertas reglas y se puede escuchar lo que han creado grandes compositores, pero si no tienes oido, ni ritmo, ni voz, de poco va a servirte todo eso.Con el arte de vivir pasa lo mismo: lo que puede enseñarse le viene muy bien a quien tiene condiciones, pero al "sordo" de nacimiento son cosas que le aburren o le lian aun mas de lo que esta. Claro que en este campo la mayoria de los sordos suelen serlo voluntariamente..." I related this part of the book to Learning as a long life process, we can learn as much as we want through our lives!
We can improve ourselves all the time , if we want!

4 comentarios:

Gladys Baya dijo...

How about your responsibility as a teacher to prepare your students for online learning? Which of your teaching practices may be best at contributing to this? Which could hamper your efforts in this aspect?

Have you ever had any learners you considered "deaf to ethics" (using Savater's terms)?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

romina dijo...

I think that is a great idea to prepare students for online learning, it would be useful not only for students but also for me because I need to learn tools related to computers or the net. And I think that it would be an exchange of information, mutual learning.
I've never had students who I consider "deaf to Ethics" In my view, they have strong points and weak points, I think that it would be related to their own personalities.

Gladys Baya dijo...

OOPS! I meant "lifelong learning", not "online learning"!!! :-P Can't believe my Freudian slip!!!

Anyway, I totally second your view of "teachers as learners" (from students).

Something else: I'm not sure I understand how you link ethics to personality...

Keep in touch!

romina dijo...

When I refered to personality, I meant that each person has strong points and weak points.And also we can improve our weak points trough all our life.(lifelong learning) Of course that we need to have the will to succeed.
I related it to Ethics, to our values, principles and choices.